CHCID Provides Domestic Water and Flood Irrigation
Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District is a semi-rural county island encompassing 1460 acres of large parcel residences, citrus orchards, equestrian properties, and home to a variety of animals including cattle, horses, goats, sheep, pigs, ducks, geese and even a water buffalo!
Click Here for North Side Irrigation Schedule 2/11/2025
Irrigation schedules are posted here by 1:00 pm every Tuesday.

Standpipe overflows, call your Zanjero FIRST! North side: (480) 226-2122 South side: (480) 797-1132
- Domestic water payments are due the 20th of the month, no later than 2:00 pm. Irrigation payments are due by 9:00 AM Monday on your weeks' irrigation schedule.North side irrigation emergencies, please call Paul at (480) 226-2122
- South side Irrigation emergencies please call Cruz at (480) 797-1132
- Domestic emergencies please call our emergency hotline at (480) 226-8335

Irrigation Reservations & Schedule
Irrigation reservations are made through an online form that collects the following information: name, phone number, location, and duration of service. A weekly irrigation schedule in PDF format is generated and posted to the website every Tuesday by 1:00 PM.

Looking for Affordable Water Solutions?
Whether for drinking or irrigation, our water services keep your property running smoothly. Our price structure has remained constant for almost ten years, unlike our neighbors in Gilbert and Queen Creek. Careful, responsible fiscal management is our fiduciary responsibility.