Irrigation Information

North of San Tan Blvd. Zanjero’s cell phone (480) 226-2122

South of San Tan Blvd. Zanjero’s cell phone (480) 797-1132
North of San Tan 2025 Irrigation Full Year Sign-up Dates

South of San Tan 2025 Irrigation Full Year Sign-up Dates

For questions, call the office at (480) 988-2731 between 7:30am and 2:00 pm M-F

Irrigation service is provided to residents of Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District every other week throughout the year. All customers desiring irrigation need to meet the following qualifications:

  • Property capable of handling a minimum of 1/2 hour of irrigation. If you are unsure if your property qualifies, please call the office at 480-988-2731 with the dimensions of the area you wish to irrigate. We will calculate the capacity of your irrigation area. You can increase irrigation time in increments of 15 minutes after the initial 30 minutes.
  • The irrigation schedule is posted to the website and the board outside the office by 1:00 pm every Tuesday. It is your responsibility to check the schedule for your assigned date and time.
  • Able to be present during irrigation. You are responsible to open and close risers at your assigned time. More on this below.
  • Irrigation is prepaid only. Your irrigation account must have a minimum balance of $15 at all times, and enough funds in your account to cover irrigation ordered. If you don’t have funds in your account, you will not be put on the schedule to receive water.

The District is comprised of main lines that run East/West and private lines that extend into individual properties and neighborhoods. CHCID is responsible for the maintenance and water direction on the main lines. Residents are responsible to maintain the irrigation risers on their property. Private lines are the responsibility of the residents for maintenance, as well as opening and closing risers. If property owners have built walls obstructing access to private line standpipes, property owners are responsible for opening and closing them as well. The Zanjero’s job is to direct the flow of water from the main line to your neighborhood. It is not his job to open and close your risers.

Irrigation alternates between North of San Tan Blvd one week, and South of San Tan Blvd the alternate week. Water delivery is scheduled each week based upon how much water is ordered and where it needs to be delivered. Sign up on the website or the board outside the office between Wednesday and Monday at 9:00 am for the week you will receive water. Please include your block number and full name- the office can help you determine your block if you don’t know it. The Zanjeros collect the water orders promptly at 9:00 am and create a schedule for the week in less than 24 hours. Zanjeros do their best to schedule water in a reasonable time frame, but during the high demand summer months, your assigned time may not be what you’d like it to be. Because water is scheduled by how much is ordered and where it needs to go, no special requests or times will be accommodated.

Water orders vary from week to week, so your Zanjero has to create a new schedule every week. All effort is made to inconvenience as few people as possible, as infrequently as possible. If you have health limitations, please discuss your situation with your Zanjero in advance. You are encouraged to work with your neighbors or hire someone to cover for you if no one can be home to open and close your risers when it is scheduled for you. Ordering water is a commitment that is very difficult to change, will result in fines and impacts your neighbors if you cancel or do not make reliable arrangements.

The Zanjero decides which well will best serve your irrigation, again according to how much water is ordered and where it is to be delivered. Irrigation rates by well are as follows:

  • Well #2 South = $24.40/hr
  • Well #2 North = $26.00/hr
  • Well #3 = $26.00/hr
  • Well #6 South = $26.00/hr
  • Well #6 North = $29.08/hr
  • Well #7 = $25.20/hr

There is a 30 minute minimum purchase required to receive irrigation. Be sure to include a current and correct phone number where you can be reached before or during your irrigation time in case your Zanjero needs to get in touch with you.

The signup sheet is removed and the website link is disabled promptly at 9:00 am every Monday morning to allow staff to compile and create the week’s irrigation schedule. The Zanjeros and Office Staff compile web orders with the sign up board orders, schedule the water, record and publish the schedule in a little more than 24 hours every single week. The irrigation schedule is posted to the website and the board outside the office by 1:00 pm every Tuesday. It is your responsibility to check the schedule for your assigned date and time.

You are responsible to keep your risers in good working order. If your risers leak, it decreases the water delivered to your neighbors. Keep berms built up, watch for and repair gopher holes in order to keep water flowing where you want it and not where you don’t (in the street or a neighboring property). If you need help with repair, contact the office. We also have replacement gaskets on hand.

Do not close your risers early in the event that your yard is full. Doing so will result in back pressure that can damage CHCID lines, private lines, or your neighbors’ risers. Any damage resulting from closing early or not opening at all result in fines and all repair costs will be charged to you.

If you experience low water flow, contact your Zanjero while the problem is occurring. We can’t diagnose and fix something after the fact. Not opening and closing on time is one of the most comment problems for people who ordered water and are receiving less than they should.

On occasion it will be necessary for your Zanjero to cancel irrigation. Rainfall in excess of 1″ measured at the plant on Valencia is one example. If a well pump breaks down, there is lightning in the area, a power outage, or a circumstance that makes it unsafe to operate the wells or deliver water may cause cancellation of irrigation. Or during the winter months, if demand is so low that it is not economically feasible to start the pumps, fill the lines for only one or two customers, the Zanjero or Office Staff will contact the customers directly to reschedule. Irrigation is not cancelled for routine maintenance.

As always, we welcome your input and feedback. Please call the office or contact a Board Member at any time if you have comments or ideas for improvement of our services.

Irrigation Information

North of San Tan Blvd. Zanjero’s cell phone (480) 226-2122

South of San Tan Blvd. Zanjero’s cell phone (480) 797-1132
North of San Tan 2025 Irrigation Full Year Sign-up Dates

South of San Tan 2025 Irrigation Full Year Sign-up Dates

For questions, call the office at
(480) 988-2731 between 7:30am and 2:00 pm M-F

Irrigation service is provided to residents of Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District every other week throughout the year. All customers desiring irrigation need to meet the following qualifications:

  • Property capable of handling a minimum of 1/2 hour of irrigation. If you are unsure if your property qualifies, please call the office at
    480-988-2731 with the dimensions of the area you wish to irrigate. We will calculate the capacity of your irrigation area. You can increase irrigation time in increments of 15 minutes after the initial 30 minutes.
  • The irrigation schedule is posted to the website and the board outside the office by 1:00 pm every Tuesday. It is your responsibility to check the schedule for your assigned date and time.
  • Able to be present during irrigation. You are responsible to open and close risers at your assigned time. More on this below.
  • Irrigation is prepaid only. Your irrigation account must have a minimum balance of $15 at all times, and enough funds in your account to cover irrigation ordered. If you don’t have funds in your account, you will not be put on the schedule to receive water.

The District is comprised of main lines that run East/West and private lines that extend into individual properties and neighborhoods. CHCID is responsible for the maintenance and water direction on the main lines. Residents are responsible to maintain the irrigation risers on their property. Private lines are the responsibility of the residents for maintenance, as well as opening and closing risers. If property owners have built walls obstructing access to private line standpipes, property owners are responsible for opening and closing them as well. The Zanjero’s job is to direct the flow of water from the main line to your neighborhood. It is not his job to open and close your risers.

Irrigation alternates between North of San Tan Blvd one week, and South of San Tan Blvd the alternate week. Water delivery is scheduled each week based upon how much water is ordered and where it needs to be delivered. Sign up on the website or the board outside the office between Wednesday and Monday at 9:00 am for the week you will receive water. Please include your block number and full name- the office can help you determine your block if you don’t know it. The Zanjeros collect the water orders promptly at 9:00 am and create a schedule for the week in less than 24 hours. Zanjeros do their best to schedule water in a reasonable time frame, but during the high demand summer months, your assigned time may not be what you’d like it to be. Because water is scheduled by how much is ordered and where it needs to go, no special requests or times will be accommodated.

Water orders vary from week to week, so your Zanjero has to create a new schedule every week. All effort is made to inconvenience as few people as possible, as infrequently as possible. If you have health limitations, please discuss your situation with your Zanjero in advance. You are encouraged to work with your neighbors or hire someone to cover for you if no one can be home to open and close your risers when it is scheduled for you. Ordering water is a commitment that is very difficult to change, will result in fines and impacts your neighbors if you cancel or do not make reliable arrangements.

The Zanjero decides which well will best serve your irrigation, again according to how much water is ordered and where it is to be delivered. Irrigation rates by well are as follows:

  • Well #2 South = $24.40/hr
  • Well #2 North = $26.00/hr
  • Well #3 = $26.00/hr
  • Well #6 South = $26.00/hr
  • Well #6 North = $29.08/hr
  • Well #7 = $25.20/hr

There is a 30 minute minimum purchase required to receive irrigation. Be sure to include a current and correct phone number where you can be reached before or during your irrigation time in case your Zanjero needs to get in touch with you.

The signup sheet is removed and the website link is disabled promptly at 9:00 am every Monday morning to allow staff to compile and create the week’s irrigation schedule. The Zanjeros and Office Staff compile web orders with the sign up board orders, schedule the water, record and publish the schedule in a little more than 24 hours every single week. The irrigation schedule is posted to the website and the board outside the office by 1:00 pm every Tuesday. It is your responsibility to check the schedule for your assigned date and time.

You are responsible to keep your risers in good working order. If your risers leak, it decreases the water delivered to your neighbors. Keep berms built up, watch for and repair gopher holes in order to keep water flowing where you want it and not where you don’t (in the street or a neighboring property). If you need help with repair, contact the office. We also have replacement gaskets on hand.

Do not close your risers early in the event that your yard is full. Doing so will result in back pressure that can damage CHCID lines, private lines, or your neighbors’ risers. Any damage resulting from closing early or not opening at all result in fines and all repair costs will be charged to you.

If you experience low water flow, contact your Zanjero while the problem is occurring. We can’t diagnose and fix something after the fact. Not opening and closing on time is one of the most comment problems for people who ordered water and are receiving less than they should.

On occasion it will be necessary for your Zanjero to cancel irrigation. Rainfall in excess of 1″ measured at the plant on Valencia is one example. If a well pump breaks down, there is lightning in the area, a power outage, or a circumstance that makes it unsafe to operate the wells or deliver water may cause cancellation of irrigation. Or during the winter months, if demand is so low that it is not economically feasible to start the pumps, fill the lines for only one or two customers, the Zanjero or Office Staff will contact the customers directly to reschedule. Irrigation is not cancelled for routine maintenance.

As always, we welcome your input and feedback. Please call the office or contact a Board Member at any time if you have comments or ideas for improvement of our services.