Next Board Meeting December 11, 2024 @ 6:00PM.
26651 S Valencia Ave. Queen Creek, AZ 85142.
Please note: minimum lot size for a water meter is 3/4 acre
Irrigation schedules are posted here by 1:00 pm every Tuesday.
South Side Irrigation Schedule 12/10/2024
Domestic water payments are due the 20th of the month no later than 2:00 pm. Irrigation payments are due by 9:00 AM Monday on your weeks irrigation schedule.
- North side irrigation emergencies please call Paul at (480)226-2122
- South side Irrigation emergencies please call Cruz at (480)797-1132
- Domestic emergencies please call our emergency hotline at (480) 226-8335
- Standpipe overflows, call your Zanjero FIRST!
- North side: 480-226-2122
- South side: 480-797-1132
Mission Statement
Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District exists to provide our community with an exceptional and reliable supply of high-quality drinking water that meets or exceeds all EPA and ADEQ drinking water standards, at the lowest possible cost.
CHCID also provides irrigation water to residential and agricultural parcels that are of sufficient size to accept a minimum of 1/2 hour of irrigation at a rate of 1400 GPM. Further details are available on the Irrigation Information page.
The EPA has decided that every public water system in the country must do a lead survey to determine whether the service line that’s on your property and runs from the water meter to the house might be a lead pipe. Last month Arizona Department of Environmental (ADEQ) required CHCID to turn in what amounts to a spreadsheet listing every water meter in the district and our best guess on what the service line material is.
This survey makes a lot more sense in cities with 100 year old water pipes, but it’s a nationwide survey of all public water systems.
For CHCID the possibilities for your service line material were almost all Unknown – Unlikely Lead because we’ve never found any lead service lines in CHCID, but we can’t guarantee it isn’t lead for older homes.
In 1988 Arizona changed the building codes and outlawed lead pipe. So if your house was built in 1989 or later the building inspector made sure you don’t have any lead pipes. Before 1989 there is no guarantee because lead pipe was legal. About 135 of the more than 1000 homes in CHCID are old enough that they could have a lead service line. The only way to know for sure is to dig them up enough to see the pipe material.
Currently all ADEQ/EPA wants us to do is turn in the list of all customers (done) and send mail to the 135 customers in homes old enough that lead pipes are possible (in the mail).
I’m sure they will want us to do more in the future, but EPA/ADEQ are vague about what that might be. I don’t think they’ve decided yet.
Office Phone number: 480-988-2731
Emergency number: 480-226-8335
County Zoning Information
Last Updated: December 3, 2024
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