Category Archives: Public Documents

Water Conservation Resources and Community Links

Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR)

The Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) works to secure long-term dependable water supplies for Arizona’s communities. The department:

  • Administers and enforces Arizona’s groundwater code and surface water rights laws (except those related to water quality)
  • Negotiates with external political entities to protect Arizona’s Colorado River water supply
  • Oversees the use of surface and groundwater resources under state jurisdiction
  • Represents Arizona in discussions of water rights with the federal government.

In addition, ADWR explores methods of augmenting water supplies to meet future demands, and develops policies that promote conservation and equitable distribution of water. The department also inspects dams and participates in flood control planning to prevent property damage, personal injury, and loss of life. In support of these activities, ADWR collects and analyzes data on water levels and on water-quality characteristics. Other responsibilities include management of floodplains and non-federal dams to reduce loss of life and damage to property. ADWR is not a municipal water provider.

Arizona Municipal Water Users Association (AMWUA)

The Arizona Municipal Water Users Association (AMWUA) is a voluntary, non-profit corporation established by municipalities in Maricopa County for the development of urban water resources policy.

AMWUA is a forum through which the member cities and towns work to attain the highest degree of intergovernmental cooperation possible to advance the rational and effective use of water resources within the state and position cities and towns in the forefront of water resources policy development and planning.

Central Arizona Project (CAP)

Central Arizona Project (CAP) is designed to bring about 1.5 million acre-feet of Colorado River water per year to Pima, Pinal and Maricopa counties. CAP carries water from Lake Havasu near Parker to the southern boundary of the San Xavier Indian Reservation southwest of Tucson. It is a 336-mile long system of aqueducts, tunnels, pumping plants and pipelines and is the largest single resource of renewable water supplies in the state of Arizona

American Water Works Association (AWWA)

As the world’s largest scientific and educational organization dedicated to drinking water quality and public drinking water supply, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) comprises the most extensive network of knowledge and experience on drinking water issues. Through educational programs and scientific and technical information on improving the quality of the water we drink, AWWA works for the health and welfare of the public.

Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)

The mission of the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) is to protect and enhance public health and the environment in Arizona. Established by the Arizona Legislature in 1986 in response to growing concerns about groundwater quality, ADEQ today administers a variety of programs to improve the health and welfare of our citizens and ensure the quality of Arizona’s air, land and water resources meets healthful, regulatory standards. ADEQ is committed to leading Arizona and the nation in protecting the environment and improving the quality of life for the people of our state.

Water Use It Wisely

“Don’t tell us to save water. Show us how.”

That was the sentiment of Arizona residents when local cities studied the best messages to use with water conservation outreach. Those were the words behind the internationally recognized brand of the Water – Use It Wisely conservation campaign.


WaterSense, a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, makes it easy for Americans to save water and protect the environment. Look for the WaterSense label to choose quality, water-efficient products. Many products are available and don’t require a change in your lifestyle.

2016 Water Conservation Brochures:


By-Laws of the Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District

By Laws of the Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District


*Amended By-Laws ARTICLE IV & ARTICLE III September 7, 2011 Board Meeting

pdf file updated 2011

1. Amendment to Article III Section 1 of the By-Laws of the Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District, to address date of annual elections.

By-Laws Amendment

2. Amendment to Article XXII Section 2 of the By-Laws of the Chandler Heights Citrus Irrigation District, to address the Domestic water meter lot size requirement. Passed on Feb 1, 2017.

By-Laws Amendment 2

*Amended By-Laws Article III Elections Section 1 & Section 11 ,February 7, 2018 Board Meeting

By-Laws Amendment 3

*Amended By-Laws Article IV Meetings Section 5, May 2, 2018 Board Meeting

By-Laws Amendment 4


Irrigation Valve Gaskets

Worn out gaskets are the most common cause of leaky irrigation valves. They are easy to replace with common tools like a screwdriver and a crescent wrench.

There are a variety of irrigation valves in use within CHCID, and it is common to find different brands side by side on the same irrigation pipe. So make sure you know how many different types of valves you need gaskets for.

The best option is to bring a valve lid with you to the CHCID office so you can check that the gasket is the right one for your valves.

Second choice is to identify your valve so you know which gasket to ask for at the office. First question, are your risers concrete or PVC (plastic)? Valves in concrete risers are 5″ in diameter, and the name cast in the lid is probably KT or Fresno. Valves in PVC risers are 6″ in diameter and the common names on the lid are Fresno or Waterman.

We have 10″ and 12″ gaskets for $12.00 for CHCID residents with an account only.

Gaskets for Fresno and Waterman valves are available through CHCID, and can be bought at other locations like hardware stores and irrigation supply houses. KT valves are obsolete. CHCID has gaskets available that were custom made. We don’t know of anyplace else you can get them.

A disassembled KT or Exeter valve. Note that the gasket is a round sheet of rubber with a hole in it, not a ring. These gaskets cost $8.00 each.

The gasket is a rubber ring in this 5″ Fresno valve for concrete risers. These gaskets cost $8.00 each.

The gasket is a ring of rubber in this 6″ valve used on PVC risers. The name on the top of the lid will be Fresno or Waterman. These gaskets cost $8.00 each.

Water Quality: Consumer Confidence Reports

Water Quality Reports

2023 Consumer Confidence Report

2022 Consumer Confidence Report

2021 Consumer Confidence Report

2020 Consumer Confidence Report

2019 Consumer Confidence Report

2018 Consumer Confidence Report

2017 Consumer Confidence Report

2016 Consumer Confidence Report
2015 Consumer Confidence Report
2014 Consumer Confidence Report
2013 Consumer Confidence Report
2012 Consumer Confidence Report
2011 Consumer Confidence Report
2010 Consumer Confidence Report