The CHCID Board of Directors are:
Elizabeth Fulghum, President
The Board of Directors is charged with short and long term planning, infrastructure, financial and staff management for CHCID. Providing pure, fresh drinking water is the top priority. Maintaining our wells and underground water lines is imperative to delivering water for both domestic and irrigation use. The Field Manager or Office Manager may escalate resident issues to the Board for resolution as needed.
Regular Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm in the annex to the east of the main office. The office is located on Valencia between San Tan and Hunt Highway. Special Board meeting times and locations will be specified in the agenda. Residents are welcome to attend board meetings. Questions or issues are welcome to be heard during the call to the public. Residents are asked to limit their statements to three minutes. Questions will be answered during the meeting if possible, but follow up or investigation is often necessary.